Installation (short)
Installation of bnlearn is straightforward. It is advisable to create a new environment.
conda create -n env_bnlearn python=3.8
conda activate env_bnlearn
pip install bnlearn
Quick Examples
Let’s start by importing some data. We need a DAG and CPD.
import bnlearn as bn
df = bn.import_example()
model = bn.structure_learning.fit(df)
model = bn.independence_test(model, df)
G = bn.plot(model)
import bnlearn as bn
model = bn.import_DAG('sprinkler')
df = bn.import_example()
df = bn.sampling(model)
query = bn.inference.fit(model, variables=['Rain'], evidence={'Cloudy':1, 'Wet_Grass':1})
model_sl = bn.structure_learning.fit(df)
model_pl = bn.parameter_learning.fit(model_sl, df)
scores, adjmat = bn.compare_networks(model_sl, model)