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The Hyperoptimized Gradient Boosting library (hgboost), is a Python package for hyperparameter optimization for XGBoost, LightBoost, and CatBoost. HGBoost will carefully split the dataset into a train, test, and an independent validation set. Within the train-test set there is the inner loop for optimizing the hyperparameters using Bayesian optimization (based on Hyperopt) and, the outer loop is to test how well the best-performing models can generalize using an external k-fold cross validation. This approach will select the most robust model with the highest performance.

hgboost is fun because:

    1. It contains the most popular decision trees; XGBoost, LightBoost and Catboost.

    1. It consists Bayesian hyperparameter optimization.

    1. It automates splitting the data set into a train-test and independent validation.

    1. It contains a nested scheme with an inner loop for hyperparameter optimization and an outer loop with crossvalidation to determine the best model.

    1. It handles both classification and regression tasks.

    1. It allows multi-class and ensemble of boosted decision tree models.

    1. It takes care of unbalanced datasets.

    1. It creates explainable results for the hyperparameter search-space, and model performance.

    1. It is open-source.

    1. It is documented with many examples.


Your ❤️ is important to keep maintaining this package. You can support in various ways, have a look at the sponser page. Report bugs, issues and feature extensions at github page.

pip install hgboost


Indices and tables