
The hgboost method consists 3 regression methods: xgboost_reg, catboost_reg, lightboost_reg. Each algorithm provides hyperparameters that must very likely be tuned for a specific dataset. Although there are many hyperparameters to tune, some are more important the others. The parameters used in hgboost are lised below:

  • The number of trees or estimators.

  • The learning rate.

  • The row and column sampling rate for stochastic models.

  • The maximum tree depth.

  • The minimum tree weight.

  • The regularization terms alpha and lambda.


The specific list of parameters used for xgboost: hgboost.hgboost.hgboost.xgboost_reg()

# Parameters:
'learning_rate'     : hp.quniform('learning_rate', 0.05, 0.31, 0.05)
'max_depth'         : hp.choice('max_depth', np.arange(5, 30, 1, dtype=int))
'min_child_weight'  : hp.choice('min_child_weight', np.arange(1, 10, 1, dtype=int))
'gamma'             : hp.choice('gamma', [0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0])
'reg_lambda'        : hp.choice('reg_lambda', [0.1, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100.0])
'subsample'         : hp.uniform('subsample', 0.5, 1)
'n_estimators'      : hp.choice('n_estimators', range(20, 205, 5))
'early_stopping_rounds' : 25


The specific list of parameters used for catboost: hgboost.hgboost.hgboost.catboost_reg()

'learning_rate'     : hp.quniform('learning_rate', 0.05, 0.31, 0.05),
'max_depth'         : hp.choice('max_depth', np.arange(2, 16, 1, dtype=int)),
'colsample_bylevel' : hp.choice('colsample_bylevel', np.arange(0.3, 0.8, 0.1)),
'n_estimators'      : hp.choice('n_estimators', range(20, 205, 5)),
'early_stopping_rounds' : 10


The specific list of parameters used for lightboost: hgboost.hgboost.hgboost.lightboost_reg()

# Parameters:
'learning_rate'     : hp.quniform('learning_rate', 0.05, 0.31, 0.05),
'max_depth'         : hp.choice('max_depth', np.arange(5, 30, 1, dtype=int)),
'min_child_weight'  : hp.choice('min_child_weight', np.arange(1, 8, 1, dtype=int)),
'subsample'         : hp.uniform('subsample', 0.8, 1),
'n_estimators'      : hp.choice('n_estimators', range(20, 205, 5)),
'eval_metric'       : 'l2'
'early_stopping_rounds' : 25