Node properties
There are various possabilities to customize the network using the node properties function d3graph.d3graph.d3graph.set_node_properties()
. Intially, all default node properties are created which can than be customized. The underneath properties can be changed for each node. I will use the karate network to demonstrate the working.
Node label
Node tooltip
Node color
Node size
Node opacity
Node edge color
Node fontcolor
Node fontsize
Node edge size
Node label
Lets change the node labels from the karate example into something more meaningfull.
# Import library
from d3graph import d3graph
# Initialization
d3 = d3graph()
# Load karate example
adjmat, df = d3.import_example('karate')
# Process the adjacency matrix
# Set node properties
# Plot
Getting more information when hovering over a node can be easily done using the tooltip
# Import library
from d3graph import d3graph
# Initialization
d3 = d3graph()
# Load karate example
adjmat, df = d3.import_example('karate')
# Process the adjacency matrix
# Set node properties
tooltip = '\nId: ' + adjmat.columns.astype(str) +'\nDegree: ' + df['degree'].astype(str) + '\nLabel: ' + df['label'].values
tooltip = tooltip.values
label = df['label'].values
# Set node properties
d3.set_node_properties(label=label, tooltip=tooltip, color=label, size='degree')
# If you want thinner lines
d3.set_node_properties(label=label, tooltip=tooltip, color=label, size='degree', minmax=[0.1, 15])
Node color
Lets change the node colors from the karate example using the label information. We do not need to re-initialize the whole graph but we can simply update the node properties.
# Set node properties
d3.set_node_properties(label=df['label'].values, color=df['label'].values)
# Plot
Node color on clustering
We can also change the node color on the clustering.
# Set node properties
d3.set_node_properties(label=df['label'].values, color='cluster')
# Plot
Node fontcolor
Lets change the node font colors and ajust it according to the node color.
# Set node properties
d3.set_node_properties(label=df['label'].values, color='cluster', fontcolor='node_color')
# Plot
Node fontsize
Change the node fontsize and ajust it according to the node color.
d3 = d3graph()
adjmat = d3.import_example('bigbang')
fontsize=np.random.randint(low=6, high=40, size=adjmat.shape[0])
d3.set_node_properties(color='cluster', scaler='minmax', fontcolor='node_color', fontsize=fontsize)
# Plot
Node edge color on clustering
We can also change the node color on the clustering.
# Set node properties
d3.set_node_properties(label=df['label'].values, edge_color='cluster')
# Plot
Node size
Lets change the node size from the karate example using the degree of the network. We do not need to re-initialize the whole graph but we can simply update the node properties.
# Set node properties
d3.set_node_properties(label=df['label'].values, color=df['label'].values, size=df['degree'].values)
# Plot
# Set node properties
d3.set_node_properties(label=df['label'].values, color=df['label'].values, size='degree')
# Plot
Node opacity
We can change the node opacity using the degree of the network. We do not need to re-initialize the whole graph but we can simply update the node properties.
# Set node properties
d3.set_node_properties(opacity='degree', size='degree', color='cluster')
# Plot
Node edge size
Lets change the node edge size from the karate example using the degree of the network. We do not need to re-initialize the whole graph but we can simply update the node properties.
# Set node properties
d3.set_node_properties(label=df['label'].values, color=df['label'].values, size=df['degree'].values, edge_size=df['degree'].values)
# Plot
Node edge color
Lets change the node edge color from the karate example using a specified color. We do not need to re-initialize the whole graph but we can simply update the node properties.
# Set node properties
d3.set_node_properties(label=df['label'].values, color=df['label'].values, size=df['degree'].values, edge_size=df['degree'].values, edge_color='#FFF000')
# Plot
Customize the properties of one specific node
# Import library
from d3graph import d3graph
# Initialization
d3 = d3graph()
# Load karate example
adjmat = d3.import_example('bigbang')
# Process the adjacency matrix
# Examine the node properties
# {'Amy': {'label': 'Amy', 'color': '#000080', 'size': 10, 'edge_size': 0.1, 'edge_color': '#000000'},
# 'Bernadette': {'label': 'Bernadette', 'color': '#000080', 'size': 10, 'edge_size': 0.1, 'edge_color': '#000000'},
# 'Howard': {'label': 'Howard', 'color': '#000080', 'size': 10, 'edge_size': 0.1, 'edge_color': '#000000'},
# 'Leonard': {'label': 'Leonard', 'color': '#000080', 'size': 10, 'edge_size': 0.1, 'edge_color': '#000000'},
# 'Penny': {'label': 'Penny', 'color': '#000080', 'size': 10, 'edge_size': 0.1, 'edge_color': '#000000'},
# 'Rajesh': {'label': 'Rajesh', 'color': '#000080', 'size': 10, 'edge_size': 0.1, 'edge_color': '#000000'},
# 'Sheldon': {'label': 'Sheldon', 'color': '#000080', 'size': 10, 'edge_size': 0.1, 'edge_color': '#000000'}}
# Customize the properties of one specific node
d3.node_properties['Penny']['label']='Penny Hofstadter'
d3.node_properties['Penny']['color']='#ffc0cb' # Pink
d3.node_properties['Penny']['edge_color']='#0000ff' # Blue
# Customize a specific edge property
d3.edge_properties['Leonard', 'Penny']['color']='#FF0000' # red
# Print
# {'label': 'Penny Hofstadter', 'color': '#ffc0cb', 'size': 20, 'edge_size': 5, 'edge_color': '#000000'}
# Plot