Edge properties

The edge properties can be customized using four options. After creating the d3.graph(), the edges are based on the strength of the vertices.


Edge network properties can also be changed for the edges:


    1. weight

    1. edge_distance

    1. edge_distance_minmax

    1. color

    1. directed

    1. marker

    1. style

# Import library
from d3graph import d3graph
# Initialization
d3 = d3graph()
# Load karate example
adjmat = d3.import_example('bigbang')
# Process the adjacency matrix

# Examine the node properties
# ('Sheldon', 'Amy'): {'weight': 5.0, 'weight_scaled': 20.0, 'color': '#000000'},
# ('Sheldon', 'Howard'): {'weight': 2.0, 'weight_scaled': 1.0, 'color': '#000000'},
# ('Sheldon', 'Leonard'): {'weight': 3.0,'weight_scaled': 7.3333, 'color': '#000000'}}
# ...

# Set to directed edges

# Customize the properties of one specific edge
d3.edge_properties[('Sheldon', 'Howard')]['weight']=10
d3.edge_properties[('Penny', 'Leonard')]['color']='#ff0000'

# Plot


The start and end of the edges can be set for the following markers:
  • arrow

  • circle

  • square

  • stub

  • None or ‘’

The default marker_end is set to arrow whereas the marker_start is set to None. Each marker can be customized using the edge_properties.

# Import library
from d3graph import d3graph

# Initialization
d3 = d3graph()
# Load bigbang example
adjmat = d3.import_example('bigbang')
# Process the adjacency matrix
# Set some node properties
d3.set_node_properties(color=adjmat.columns.values, size=[10, 20, 10, 10, 15, 10, 5])

# Edge properties
# {('Amy', 'Bernadette'): {'weight': 2.0, 'weight_scaled': 2.0, 'color': '#808080', 'marker_start': '', 'marker_end': 'arrow', ...

# Set all marker-end to square and keep marker_start to be None or ''
d3.set_edge_properties(directed=True, marker_end='square', marker_start='')

# Make some customized changes in the marker-end by removing all markers and set one for penny-leonard.
d3.set_edge_properties(directed=True, marker_end='', label='weight')

# Set markers for individual edges
d3.edge_properties['Leonard', 'Penny']['marker_end']='arrow'
d3.edge_properties['Howard', 'Sheldon']['marker_end']='stub'
d3.edge_properties['Leonard', 'Sheldon']['marker_end']='circle'
d3.edge_properties['Penny', 'Rajesh']['marker_end']='square'

Scaling edges

There are two manners to scale the edges; scaling using the minmax or scaling using the z-score. The default option is the z-score because the results tends to better in most use-cases. Let’s see the differences between the different methods.

# Import library
from d3graph import d3graph
# Initialization
d3 = d3graph()
# Load karate example
adjmat = d3.import_example('bigbang')
# Process the adjacency matrix

# Set to no scaler (default)

# Set to minmax scaler
d3.set_edge_properties(directed=True, minmax=[1, 20], scaler='minmax')

# Set to zscore scaler (default)
d3.set_edge_properties(directed=True, minmax=[1, 20], scaler='zscore')

Edge Labels

The labels of the edges can be set per edge in a similar manner as for the other edge properties.

# Import
from d3graph import d3graph
# intialize to load example dataset
d3 = d3graph()
adjmat = d3.import_example('bigbang')

# Initialize with clustering colors
d3.graph(adjmat, color='cluster')

Set all edge labels to “test”.

# Adding specifc labels to the edges
    d3.set_edge_properties(directed=True, label='test')

    # Adding the weights can be as following:
d3.set_edge_properties(directed=True, label='weight')


# {('Amy', 'Bernadette'): {
#     'weight': 2.0,
#     'weight_scaled': 0.5,
#     'edge_distance': 50.0,
#     'edge_style': 0,
#     'color': '#808080',
#     'marker_start': '',
#     'marker_end': 'arrow',
#     'marker_color': '#808080',
#     'label': '2',
#     'label_color': '#808080',
#     'label_fontsize': 8},
# ('Bernadette', 'Howard'): {
#     'weight': 5.0,
#     'weight_scaled': 1.7375,
#     'edge_distance': 68.75,
#     'edge_style': 0,
#     'color': '#808080',
#     'marker_start': '',
#     'marker_end': 'arrow',
#     'marker_color': '#808080',
#     'label': '5',
#     'label_color': '#808080',
#     'label_fontsize': 8},


We will first set all label properties to None and then we will adjust two of them.

    # Change the label properties for the first edge
d3.edge_properties['Bernadette', 'Amy']['weight_scaled']=10
d3.edge_properties['Bernadette', 'Amy']['label']='amy-bern'
d3.edge_properties['Bernadette', 'Amy']['label_color']='#000FFF'
d3.edge_properties['Bernadette', 'Amy']['label_fontsize']=8
d3.edge_properties['Bernadette', 'Amy']['edge_style']=2

    # Change the label properties for the second edge
d3.edge_properties['Howard', 'Bernadette']['label']='bern-how'
d3.edge_properties['Howard', 'Bernadette']['label_fontsize']=20
d3.edge_properties['Howard', 'Bernadette']['label_color']='#000000'
d3.edge_properties['Howard', 'Bernadette']['edge_style']=5


Edge style

Create straight or dashed lines using the edge_style parameter. The value 0 represents a straight line whereas numbers >0 creates a specific dashed line.

    # Import
    from d3graph import d3graph

    # intialize to load example dataset
    d3 = d3graph()

# Load example
    adjmat = d3.import_example('bigbang')

    # Initialize with default settings

    # Change the edge style for all edges
    d3.set_edge_properties(directed=True, edge_style=5)

    # Import
    from d3graph import d3graph

    # intialize to load example dataset
    d3 = d3graph()

# Load example
    adjmat = d3.import_example('bigbang')

    # Initialize with default settings

    # Change the edge style for all edges

    # Change the edge style for specific edges
    d3.edge_properties['Amy', 'Bernadette']['edge_style']=5
    d3.edge_properties['Bernadette', 'Howard']['edge_style']=20


Set distance

# Set edge properties with a edge distance

# Plot