API References

Python package colourmap generates an N unique colors from the specified input colormap.

colourmap.colourmap.fromlist(y, cmap='Set1', gradient=None, method='matplotlib', scheme='rgb', verbose=3)

Generate colors from input list.


This function creates unique colors based on the input list y and the cmap. When the gradient hex color is defined, such as ‘#000000’, a gradient coloring space is created between two colors.

The start color of the particular y, using the cmap and The end color is the defined gradient, such as ‘#000000’.

param y

For each unique value, a unique color is given back.

type y

list of strings or integers

param cmap

Colormap. The default is ‘Set1’.

type cmap

String, optional

param gradient

Hex end color for the gradient. ‘#FFFFFF’

type gradient

String, (default: None)

param method

Method to generate colors ‘matplotlib’ (default) ‘seaborn’

type method

String, optional

param scheme

The output of color is in the scheme: ‘rgb’ ‘hex’

type scheme

String, optional

param verbose

Print progress to screen. The default is 3. 0: None, 1: ERROR, 2: WARN, 3: INFO (default), 4: DEBUG, 5: TRACE

type verbose

int, optional


List of colors in the same order as y. dict for the unique colors


tuple containing


colourmap.colourmap.generate(N, cmap='Set1', method='matplotlib', keep_alpha=False, scheme='rgb', verbose=3)

Generate N RGB colors for cmap.

  • N (Integer) – Number of colors to be generated.

  • cmap (String, optional) – ‘Set1’ (default) ‘Set2’ ‘rainbow’ ‘bwr’ Blue-white-red ‘binary’ or ‘binary_r’ ‘seismic’ Blue-white-red ‘Blues’ white-to-blue ‘Reds’ white-to-red ‘Pastel1’ Discrete colors ‘Paired’ Discrete colors ‘Set1’ Discrete colors

  • method (String, optional) – Method to generate colors ‘matplotlib’ (default) ‘seaborn’

  • scheme (String, optional) – The output of color is in the scheme: ‘rgb’ ‘hex’

  • verbose (int, optional) – Print progress to screen. The default is 3. 0: None, 1: ERROR, 2: WARN, 3: INFO (default), 4: DEBUG, 5: TRACE


Colormap: https://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html



Return type

numpy array with colors that range between [0-1, 0-1, 0-1].


Convert hex color-range to RGB.


colors (list) – list of str.

Return type

list of rgb colors.


Convert hex color-range to RGBA.


colors (list) – list of str.

Return type

list of rgb colors.

colourmap.colourmap.linear_gradient(start_hex, finish_hex='#FFFFFF', n=10)

Return a gradient list of (n) colors between two hex colors.


start_hex and finish_hex should be the full six-digit color string, inlcuding the number sign (“#FFFFFF”)

param start_hex

Hex starting color.

type start_hex


param finish_hex

Hex end color. The default is “#FFFFFF”.

type finish_hex

str, optional

param n

Spacing between start-stop colors.

type n

int, (default: 10)


lineair spacing.



colourmap.colourmap.rgb2hex(colors, keep_alpha=False)

Convert RGB color-range to hex.

  • colors (list) – list of floats that range between [0-1, 0-1, 0-1].

  • keep_alpha (bool, optional) – Keep the alpha value, which is the first number in RGB range. The default is False.

Return type

list of hex colors.