Import datasets --------------- HNet learns the association from datasets with mixed datatypes and with unknown function. Input datasets can range from generic dataframes to nested data structures with lists, missing values and enumerations. We decided to use the DataFrame of ``pandas`` as the input data type for ``hnet``. The columns represent the variables or features containing continues/categorical values. The rows are the samples. Below is the titanic dataset that can be the input for ``hnet`` in its current form. The steps of pre-processing of the dataset is explained in the pre-processing section. .. table:: +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | | PassengerId| Survived| Pclass| ...| Fare|Cabin| Embarked | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | 0 | 1| 0| 3| ...| 7.2500| NaN| S | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | 1 | 2| 1| 1| ...| 71.2833| C85| C | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | 2 | 3| 1| 3| ...| 7.9250| NaN| S | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | 3 | 4| 1| 1| ...| 53.1000| C123| S | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | 4 | 5| 0| 3| ...| 8.0500| NaN| S | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | .. | ...| ...| ...| ...| ...| ...| ... | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | 886| 887| 0| 2| ...| 13.0000| NaN| S | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | 887| 888| 1| 1| ...| 30.0000| B42| S | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | 888| 889| 0| 3| ...| 23.4500| NaN| S | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | 889| 890| 1| 1| ...| 30.0000| C148| C | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ | 890| 891| 0| 3| ...| 7.7500| NaN| Q | +-----+------------+---------+-------+----+--------+-----+----------+ Import example datasets '''''''''''''''''''''''''' Importing an example data set can be performed using :func:`hnet.import_example`. This function provides some example datasets such as **sprinkler**, **titanic**, **student**. The titanic dataset is depiced above and the spinkler below. .. code:: python import hnet # import example df = hnet.import_example('sprinkler') # print DataFrame print(df) .. table:: +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | |Cloudy| Sprinkler| Rain| Wet_Grass | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | 0 | 0| 0| 0| 0 | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | 1 | 1| 0| 1| 1 | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | 2 | 0| 1| 0| 1 | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | 3 | 1| 1| 1| 1 | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | 4 | 1| 1| 1| 1 | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | .. | ...| ...| ...| ... | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | 995 | 1| 0| 1| 1 | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | 996 | 1| 0| 1| 1 | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | 997 | 1| 0| 1| 1 | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | 998 | 0| 0| 0| 0 | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | 999 | 0| 1| 1| 1 | +-----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ Example of the student dataset containing mixed datatypes: .. code:: python # import example df = hnet.import_example('student') # print DataFrame print(df) .. table:: +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | | school_GP| school_MS| sex_F| sex_M| ...| G3_8| G3_9| G1_18| G2_0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | school_GP| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| ...| 0.0| 0.0| 0.000000| 0.0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | school_MS| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| ...| 0.0| 0.0| 0.000000| 0.0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | sex_F | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| ...| 0.0| 0.0| 0.000000| 0.0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | sex_M | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| ...| 0.0| 0.0| 0.000000| 0.0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | age_19 | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| ...| 0.0| 0.0| 0.000000| 0.0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | ... | ...| ...| ...| ...| ...| ...| ... | ... | ... | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | G3_18 | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| ...| 0.0| 0.0| 2.931461| 0.0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | G3_8 | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| ...| 0.0| 0.0| 0.000000| 0.0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | G3_9 | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| ...| 0.0| 0.0| 0.000000| 0.0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | G1_18 | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| ...| 0.0| 0.0| 0.000000| 0.0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ | G2_0 | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| ...| 0.0| 0.0| 0.000000| 0.0 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+------+----+-----+-----+---------+------+ Import from csv ''''''''''''''''''''''' Importing data from a csv file can be performed using ``pandas``: .. code:: python import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('./pathname/to/file.csv') Import from url ''''''''''''''''''''''' If your dataset is located on a particular website, it is possible to directly download the dataset. In the example below, we will download a dataset from the archives of [UCI]( .. code:: python # Import hnet import hnet # Download from url df = hnet.import_example(url='') # Specify columns df.columns=['age','workclass','fnlwgt','education','education-num','marital-status','occupation','relationship','race','sex','capital-gain','capital-loss','hours-per-week','native-country','earnings'] # Initialize from hnet import hnet hn = hnet(black_list=['fnlwgt']) # Run HNet results = hn.association_learning(df) Import from sklearn ''''''''''''''''''''''' Various example datasets are also present in ``sklean``. See below a demonstration how to import and use these in ``hnet``. However, datasets should contain at least 1 catagorical value. Datasets containing only continues values should follow a different method, perhaps ``t-SNE``, ``SVD``, ``UMAP``. .. code:: python # Import library from sklearn import datasets # Import pandas import pandas as pd X = datasets.load_boston() df = pd.DataFrame(data=X['data'], columns=X['feature_names']) X = datasets.load_diabetes() df = pd.DataFrame(data=X['data'], columns=X['feature_names']) Output variables ----------------- There are many output parameters provided by ``hnet``. It all starts with the initialization: .. code:: python # Load library from hnet import hnet # Initialize model and set parameters hn = hnet(alpha=0.05, y_min=10, perc_min_num=0.8, multtest='holm', dtypes='pandas') The object now returns an object containing variables user defined settings. Parameters that are not specified are set to default. For more details, see the API docstrings. .. code:: python # Learn associations from data set results = hn.association_learning(df) The object can now be feeded with dataframe *df*, using ``association_learning`` function. The association_learning outputs various output variables in a dictionary. .. code:: python print(results.keys()) # dict_keys(['simmatP', 'simmatLogP', 'labx', 'dtypes', 'counts', 'rules']) .. include:: add_bottom.add