Get country names and abbrevations

The country name is required for the majority of fucntions. Here we will demonstrate how to view all 255 available countries that can be used to analyze trends.

# Import
import googletrends as googletrends

# Get country names
geo_names = googletrends.get_geo_names()

#     code               country
# 0     AD               andorra
# 1     AE  united arab emirates
# 2     AF           afghanistan
# 3     AR             argentina
# 4     AO                angola
# ..   ...                   ...
# 251   YE                 yemen
# 252   YT               mayotte
# 253   ZA          south africa
# 254   ZM                zambia
# 255   ZW              zimbabwe

Analyze Timewise

In this example multiple searchwords are examined for multiple countries over time. Countries can be in the form of their abbrevation or country name. The until date is not given and automatically set on today.

# Import
import googletrends as googletrends

# Settings
searchwords = ['bitcoin', 'ethereum']
geo = ['NL', 'united states']
date_start = '01-12-2012'

# Collect the google trends since 2012
results = googletrends.temporal(searchwords, geo=geo, date_start=date_start)

# [googletrends] Collecting trends over time for geographically: ['NL', 'US']
# [googletrends] 01 December 2012 - 12 March 2022
# [googletrends] [NL] Working on bitcoin..
# [googletrends] [NL] Working on ethereum..
# [googletrends] [US] Working on bitcoin..
# [googletrends] [US] Working on ethereum..

# Plot
google trends since 2012 for bitcoin and ethereum across the countries NL and US.


Analyze Timewise with groupby

The plot can be created in various manners, by using different groupby’s and coloring on searchwords. Let’s see what happens if use other groupings and coloring.

googletrends.plot(results, color_by_searchword=True, group_by_searchword=False)
googletrends.plot(results, color_by_searchword=False, group_by_searchword=False)
googletrends.plot(results, color_by_searchword=False, group_by_searchword=True)
googletrends.plot(results, color_by_searchword=True, group_by_searchword=True)
Four different plots for google trends.





Analyze Geographical

In this example multiple searchwords are examined across multiple countries. The input for a country can be in the form of the abbrevation or country name. All frequencies are summarized into one value between the start-stop date.

# Import
import googletrends as googletrends

# Settings
searchwords = ['bitcoin', 'ethereum']
geo = ['NL', 'united kingdom']
date_start = '01-12-2012'

# Collect the google trends since 2012
results_spatio = googletrends.spatio(searchwords, geo=geo, date_start=date_start)

# [googletrends] 01 December 2012 - 12 March 2022
# [googletrends] [NL] Working on bitcoin..
# [googletrends] [NL] Working on ethereum..
# [googletrends] [GB] Working on bitcoin..
# [googletrends] [GB] Working on ethereum..

# Plot
Google search per country and per searchword.




