Installation ################ Create environment ********************** If desired, install ``clustimage`` from an isolated Python environment using conda: .. code-block:: python conda create -n env_clustimage python=3.8 conda activate env_clustimage Pypi ********************** .. code-block:: console # Install from Pypi: pip install clustimage # Force update to latest version pip install -U clustimage Github source ************************************ .. code-block:: console # Install directly from github pip install git+ Uninstalling ################ Remove environment ********************** .. code-block:: console # List all the active environments. clustimage should be listed. conda env list # Remove the clustimage environment conda env remove --name clustimage # List all the active environments. clustimage should be absent. conda env list Remove installation ********************** Note that the removal of the environment will also remove the ``clustimage`` installation. .. code-block:: console # Install from Pypi: pip uninstall clustimage Quickstart ********************** A quick example how to learn a model on a given dataset. .. code:: python # Import library from clustimage import Clustimage # init with default parameters cl = Clustimage() # load example with flowers path_to_imgs = cl.import_example(data='flowers') # Run the model to find the optimal clusters results = cl.fit_transform(path_to_imgs, min_clust=10) # Cluster evaluation plot cl.clustimage.plot() # Unique images cl.results_unique.keys() cl.plot_unique(img_mean=False) # Scatter cl.scatter(dotsize=50, img_mean=False) # Plot clustered images cl.plot(labels=0) # Plot dendrogram cl.dendrogram() # Predict results_find = cl.find(path_to_imgs[0:5], k=None, alpha=0.05) cl.plot_find() cl.scatter() .. include:: add_bottom.add