Interactive plot ================= ``bnlearn`` contains **interactive** and **static** plotting functionalities with :func:`bnlearn.bnlearn.plot` for which many network and figure properties can be adjusted, such as node colors and sizes. To make interactive plots, it simply needs to set the ``interactive=True`` parameter in :func:`bnlearn.bnlearn.plot`. The interactive plots are created using the ``D3Blocks`` library for which various input parameters can be specified. The static plots are created using matplotlib and networkx. Lets make some interactive and static examples. **Interactive plot examples** .. code-block:: bash # Install the d3blocks library first if you want interactive plots pip install d3blocks .. code-block:: python # Example of interactive plotting import bnlearn as bn # Load example dataset df = bn.import_example(data='asia') # Structure learning model = # Make interactive plot with default settings bn.plot(model, interactive=True) # Add more parameters for the interactive plot bn.plot(model, interactive=True, params_interactive = {'height':'800px', 'width':'70%', 'layout':None, 'bgcolor':'#0f0f0f0f'}) .. raw:: html **Create interactive plots with a specific node-color and node-sizes across the entire network.** Note that all the results below can be interactive as the graph above. But for demonstration purposes I created a screenshot. .. code-block:: python # Set the node color bn.plot(model, interactive=True, node_color='#8A0707') # Set the node color and node size bn.plot(model, interactive=True, node_color='#8A0707', node_size=25) .. |figIP1| image:: ../figs/_fig-plot_interactive_simple_color.png .. |figIP2| image:: ../figs/_fig-plot_interactive_simple_color_size.png .. table:: Plot with node-colors :align: center +----------+----------+ | |figIP1| | |figIP2| | +----------+----------+ **Create interactive plots with user-defined node-colors and node-sizes.** .. code-block:: python # First retrieve node properties node_properties = bn.get_node_properties(model) # Make some changes node_properties['xray']['node_color']='#8A0707' node_properties['xray']['node_size']=50 node_properties['smoke']['node_color']='#000000' node_properties['smoke']['node_size']=35 # Make plot with the specified node properties bn.plot(model, node_properties=node_properties, interactive=True) .. |figIP3| image:: ../figs/_fig-plot_interactive_user_colors.png .. table:: Plot with user defined node colors and node sizes. :align: center +----------+ | |figIP3| | +----------+ **The ``params_interactive`` parameter allows you to adjust more figure properties.** .. code-block:: python bn.plot(model, interactive=True, params_interactive = {'height':'800px', 'width':'70%', 'layout':None, 'bgcolor':'#0f0f0f0f'}) Static plot ================= To create static plots simply set the ``interactive=False`` in all the above examples. The only difference is in ``params_static`` for which the dict contains more variables that adjust the figure properties. .. code-block:: python # Add parameters for the static plot bn.plot(model, interactive=False, params_static = {'width':15, 'height':8, 'font_size':14, 'font_family':'times new roman', 'alpha':0.8, 'node_shape':'o', 'facecolor':'white', 'font_color':'#000000'}) Comparison of two networks ================================== In come cases you may derive two networks where you need to know the differences. In the following example I will learn a network using structure learning and compare it to the ground truth. .. code-block:: python # Load asia DAG model = bn.import_DAG('asia') # plot ground truth G = bn.plot(model) # Sampling df = bn.sampling(model, n=10000) # Structure learning of sampled dataset model_sl =, methodtype='hc', scoretype='bic') # Compute edge strength with the chi_square test statistic model_sl = bn.independence_test(model_sl, df, test='chi_square', prune=True) # Plot based on structure learning of sampled data bn.plot(model_sl, pos=G['pos']) # Compare networks and make plot bn.compare_networks(model, model_sl, pos=G['pos']) .. |fig_cn1| image:: ../figs/fig2a_asia_groundtruth.png .. |fig_cn2| image:: ../figs/fig2b_asia_structurelearning.png .. table:: Asia ground truth network versus the learned network. :align: center +----------+ | |fig_cn1|| +----------+ | |fig_cn2|| +----------+ .. |fig_cn3| image:: ../figs/fig2c_asia_comparion.png .. |fig_cn4| image:: ../figs/fig2d_confmatrix.png .. table:: Differences in het edges. :align: center +----------+----------+ | |fig_cn3|| |fig_cn4|| +----------+----------+ Node properties ================= Edge properties can easily be changed using the :func:`bnlearn.bnlearn.get_node_properties` function. Note that these functionalities can be combined with the edge properties. .. code-block:: python import bnlearn as bn # Load asia DAG df = bn.import_example(data='asia') # Structure learning of sampled dataset model = # plot static G = bn.plot(model) # Set node properties node_properties = bn.get_node_properties(model) # Make some changes node_properties['xray']['node_color']='#8A0707' node_properties['xray']['node_size']=2000 node_properties['smoke']['node_color']='#000000' node_properties['smoke']['node_size']=2000 # Make plot with the specified node properties bn.plot(model, node_properties=node_properties, interactive=False) .. |figIP4| image:: ../figs/node_properties_1.png .. table:: Plot with user defined node properties. :align: center +----------+ | |figIP4| | +----------+ Edge properties ================= Edge properties can easily be changed using the :func:`bnlearn.bnlearn.get_edge_properties` function. Note that these functionalities can be combined with the node properties. .. code-block:: python import bnlearn as bn # Load asia DAG df = bn.import_example(data='asia') # Structure learning of sampled dataset model = # Test for significance model = bn.independence_test(model, df) # plot static G = bn.plot(model) # Set some edge properties # Because the independence_test is used, the -log10(pvalues) from model['independence_test']['p_value'] are scaled between minscale=1 and maxscale=10 edge_properties = bn.get_edge_properties(model) # Make some changes edge_properties['either', 'xray']['color']='#8A0707' edge_properties['either', 'xray']['weight']=4 edge_properties['bronc', 'smoke']['weight']=15 edge_properties['bronc', 'smoke']['color']='#8A0707' # Plot params_static={'edge_alpha':0.6, 'arrowstyle':'->', 'arrowsize':60} bn.plot(model, interactive=False, edge_properties=edge_properties, params_static=params_static) .. |figIP5| image:: ../figs/edge_properties_1.png .. table:: Plot with user defined edge properties. :align: center +----------+ | |figIP5| | +----------+ .. include:: add_bottom.add